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My Guide - TRAILER
Barnabás Tóth

My Guide - TRAILER

My Guide
// Újratervezés

Elderly couple in the traffic. The wife chitchats, gives warning signs, controls. She is a policeman, a GPS and a commentator at the same time. The husband mumbles or bursts out. This is how their world works. But life is a constant replanning...

​​Writer: Barnabás Tóth​, Director of Photography: Gábor Marosi
​Music: László Pirisi​, Sound: János Kőporosy​, Editor: Barnabás Tóth​Producer:  Art Center Csokonai, Laokoon Filmgroup
​Director: Barnabás Tóth
Cast: Judit Pogány, Zsolt Kovács


Indianapolis Heartland Film Festival - Best US premiere, AISFF Seoul - Audience Award, 

Hungarian Film Critics Award


 Montreal, Bristol, Helsinki, Brest, Friss Hús, Berlin Interfilm, Miskolc Cinefest


Magyar Mozi Tv


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